Advocating for access to sexual reproductive health services and information during this pandemic | SheDecides


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Advocating for access to sexual reproductive health services and information during this pandemic

26th May 2020

Location: Kenya

The pandemic has created a new normal of work and that includes working from home, avoiding overcrowded places, maintaining highest level of good hygiene etc. This strict measures have presented us with another opportunity to explore the use of technology to raise awareness on SRHR and advocate for continuum of services and information during this pandemic. I have resorted to adapting digital technology to continue my activism through ( platform. The use of facebook live sessions and use of WhatsApp to engage adolescents and young people

COVID19 has created a new way of life that exposes women and girls to domestic violence. The current lock downs, isolation, quarantine, restricted movement and social distancing have caused women and girls to spend more time in the home with potential abusers or known abusers. This has limited the reach of women and girls to access support services during this time. As a global youth advocate, I have used my platform at Stretchers Youth Organization to bring forth these critical discussions through online conversations and referring the cases to health care providers.Attached find links to such awareness raising conversations

Together we can defeat this pandemic

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