June 9, 2020
By Christine Sarr, SheDecides 25x25 Young Leader, Senegal.News
Check out the latest developments and stories from the movement, where we celebrate the bold and push others to be brave. If you've got a story to share - get in touch by email, Twitter or Facebook.
Crossing Perspectives: Toward a Sustainable, Inclusive and Feminist Future After Covid19
June 9, 2020
By M-C Garin, SheDecides 25x25 Young Leader and Memory Zonde-Kachambwa, Executive Director of FEMNET, SheDecides ChampionOvercoming Our Echo Chamber and Expanding Our Debate During the Pandemic
June 8, 2020
Written by Gisela Foz, SheDecides 25x25 Young Leader
A Heart Wrenching Story amidst the Covid19 Pandemic
June 4, 2020
By Evans Ouma, Programs Manager at Stretchers Youth Organization and SheDecides 25x25 Young Leader.An Island, Two Nations: The Impact of the Pandemic on Caribbean Women and Girls
June 2, 2020
Esther Giron, SheDecides 25x25 Young Leader, Dominican Republic and Jesula Raphael, SheDecides 25x25 Young Leader, Haiti.“COVID19 means it’s even more important to break the cycle”
May 27, 2020
Natalie Robi Tingo is an activist, Orchid Project Fellow, SheDecides Friend and Founder of Msichana Empowerment KuriaSupporting Survivors of Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 25, 2020
By Aditi Sivakumar, SheDecides 25x25 Young Leader
Covid19: Message of Solidarity
April 1, 2020
Our thoughts are with every member of the SheDecides family and the global community as we continue to navigate and confront the evolving global challenges posed by the COVID19 pandemic and its impact on our lives.