
Check out the latest developments and stories from the movement, where we celebrate the bold and push others to be brave. If you've got a story to share - get in touch by email, Twitter or Facebook.

Meet Karin Nilsson!

September 20, 2021

Today Karin joins the SheDecides Support Unit as Lead, and brings with her feminist power and passion to lead the growth of the SheDecides movement.
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The pleasure of pleasure

September 1, 2021

Written by Syeda Samara Mortada, SheDecides Regional Movement Supporter - Asia, Coordinator of Bonhishikha and a core member of the RageAgainstRape Movement in Bangladesh.
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Open Letter from Palestine to the World: For us, violence doesn’t end with a ceasefire

June 8, 2021

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas might have put an end to the latest round of bombings, but it will neither bring peace nor change the status quo. Palestinians are routinely denied their basic human rights by the Israeli State, and we must all Stand Up and Speak Out against the institutionalized discrimination, colonial and gendered oppression, and violent dispossession of the Palestinian people.
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Our Bodies, Our Rights.

January 20, 2021

Four years ago, on January 23, 2017, in a room filled only with men, US President of three days, Donald J. Trump reinstated the “Global Gag Rule”, more formally known as the Mexico City Policy, to restrict women’s lives and deny them the freedom of choice over their own bodies.
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We’re living through a global emergency. Why is emergency contraception still so inaccessible?

July 10, 2020

The emergency contraceptive pill (also known as the morning-after pill, or EC) can prevent pregnancy when one has sex without sufficient protection, or after being sexually assaulted. It is more effective when one can take it sooner and therefore, it’s available at pharmacies in more than 90 countries to ensure quick access. However, in Japan emergency contraception is a prescription-needed medicine, and to get it you have to see a doctor.
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