
Check out the latest developments and stories from the movement, where we celebrate the bold and push others to be brave. If you've got a story to share - get in touch by email, Twitter or Facebook.

SheDecides Women’s March in Kampala, Uganda

June 30, 2018

On 30 June 2018, in advance of the launch of the local movement, over 300 activists from women’s rights networks across Uganda took to the streets as part of a SheDecides march to stand up and speak out over the increased rates of rape and kidnapping.
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SheDecides Open House in Kampala

October 30, 2017

In October 2017, Friends of the movement convened an “inspiring, visionary and interactive” Open House in Kampala to celebrate the International Day of the Girl, under the theme “When SheDecides, the World is Safer, Stronger and Better”.
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