Women In Global Health (WGH)

Being a SheDecides champion is a great opportunity to keep moving the revolution to challenge power and privilege inside global health and more specifically in the area of SRHR.

Five Months Post-Roe: How Restrictive Abortion Policy is Shaping Healthcare in the US

On November 9th, 2022, WGH DC co-hosted, together with WGH USA Georgia, the event 'Five Months Post-Roe vs. Wade: How Restrictive Abortion Policy is Shaping Healthcare in the US'. It was the first conversation inside the movement on the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade and the introduction of early abortion bans in the South. The event was online and counted with the panelists Sara Redd, PhD, MPH and Nisha Verma, MD, MPH. The recording can be found here.

WGH Seattle Q4 Gathering

On January 19th 2023, WGH Seattle hosted their Q4 gathering. During the event, a fireside chat took place with Elisa Wells, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Plan C and Amie Bishop, Senior Research Advisor at Outright International to discus Plan C - which transforms access to abortion in the US by normalising abortion by pills via mail.

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WGH’s 2023 Policy Priorities

  • Gender equal and diverse leadership in global health based on Gender Transformative Leadership
  • New social contract for women health and care workers
  • Gender-responsive Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
  • Gender Equity in Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • Movement and alliance building for gender equity in global health

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Gender Equity in Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Women in Global Health (WGH) has been engaging with the numerous global processes around pandemic preparedness and response (PPR), namely the pandemic instrument (WHO CA+), the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005), the Pandemic Fund, and more. Based on the experiences of the more than 70,000 women health and care workers in the WGH network, we have been advocating for safe and decent working conditions for health and care workers (70% of whom are women and 90% on the frontlines), protection from violence and harassment for women health and care workers, equal participation in decision-making bodies during a public health emergency response, and gender-responsive policies that protect women and girls from gender-based violence and prioritise access to sexual and reproductive health services during a public health emergency.

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Universal Health Coverage

Women in Global Health (WGH) has been playing an active advocacy role on gender transformative UHC, including convening and campaigning as part of the Alliance for Gender Equality and UHC, which now WGH co-convene with Women Deliver and SPECTRA Rwanda. Currently WGH is working on advocacy to ensure that the strong commitments made to gender equality, the rights of women and girls, and women health workers during the 2019 Political Declaration are maintained and implemented.

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About Women in Global Health (WGH)

Women in Global Health (WGH) is a fast-growing women-led movement demanding gender equity in global health. We work to challenge power and privilege in global health. Founded in 2015 when four early career women, who initially met online, encountered an overwhelming response on social media on a range of issues. Six years after launching as a not-for-profit that was entirely powered by volunteers and had no income, Women in Global Health now has 57 Chapters in 52 countries. With around 6,500 members and 100,000 supporters in over 100 countries, we are nurses, midwives, doctors, public health professionals, health policymakers, community health workers, researchers, pharmacists, and private sector health workers.

Women in Global Health is:

  • A global movement
  • A platform for all voices
  • A catalytic force
  • A strategic disrupter
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