Yet young people continue to face systemic barriers to accessing information and reproductive health services, including tailored services that meet their diverse needs and priorities.

For far too long, young people have been left out of decision-making spaces, their priorities discussed on their behalf, without a seat at the decision making table to shape the policies that concern their lives and their bodies. This must change!

Our network of champions celebrate youth expertise and youth-led solutions to global bodily autonomy challenges. As an intergenerational movement we find ways to connect young people  with decision-makers, so that their voices are heard and valued in policy discussions.

By integrating youth perspectives into our collective work, we strengthen the SheDecides movement, deepening intergenerational collaboration and driving meaningful change.

It Starts With Us!
Youth SRHR Campaign

The goal is a better future for all. But how do 
we get there? A brighter tomorrow can only be achieved when the young people of today have full access to their sexual and reproductive health and rights now.

Designed in collaboration with the Youth Advisory Panel and supported by the Government of Germany, the campaign spotlights the voices and views of young people and the srhr issues that matter most to them.

It starts with Youth SRHR, it starts with young people and it starts now! 

Youth SRHR Zine

Created in collaboration with young people and the SheDecides Youth Advisory Panel, and curated by SheDecides, this zine (pronounced ‘zeeen’, like the end of “magazine”) illustrates what the youth of today envision for a world where youth SRHR is valued and supported.

It is a symbol of self-expression and resistance, putting words into art as a way to both inspire and demand attention from leaders and decision-makers across the world.

Championing Youth SRHR at the ICPD30 Global Youth Dialogue

SheDecides championed youth srhr at the UNFPA conference by hosting three impactful events.

The youth-led sessions highlighted the vital role young people have played in advancing srhr for all, including on safe abortion. 

SheDecides Youth Advisory Panel

The Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) is an independent advisory group made up of 7 young people from different SheDecides Champion organizations from around the world. 

Throughout 2024, they’ll play a key role in shaping SheDecides’ youth-focused activities, in particular crafting messaging and campaigns around youth sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Can She Make Her Safe Choice in Benin? Let’s hear from youth activist Méola Yahouedeou 

Can She Make Her Safe Choice in Benin? Let’s hear from youth activist Méola Yahouedeou 

In 2022, in a bid to protect women’s health, the Government of Benin expanded the legal grounds for abortion, making it one of the most liberal abortion laws in Africa.

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7 ways to make SRHR services youth-friendly!

7 ways to make SRHR services youth-friendly!

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What’s the state of SRHR for young people in Rwanda?

What’s the state of SRHR for young people in Rwanda?

Diana (right) attends the SheDecides High Level #YouthDecides reception at the Global Youth Dialogue

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Youth SRHR activists speak out at the #YouthDecides Reception in Benin 

Youth SRHR activists speak out at the #YouthDecides Reception in Benin 

On the evening before the Global Youth Dialogue in Benin, SheDecides hosted the #YouthDecides high-level reception in partnership with SheDecides Champion The Government of the Kingdom of The Netherlands.

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#YouthDecidesNow! SheDecides Champions show support for youth SRHR at the all Champion Roundtable 2024

#YouthDecidesNow! SheDecides Champions show support for youth SRHR at the all Champion Roundtable 2024

The all-Champion roundtable, timed to mark SheDecides Day was attended by over 60 Champions and their teams from across the globe, showcasing global support for youth srhr.

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Why Youth SRHR? Why Now?

Why Youth SRHR? Why Now?

Bodily autonomy for all young people is one of the three focus areas outlined in SheDecides new Strategic Plan, alongside abortion rights and comprehensive sexuality education.

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