Government of Sierra Leone

Chernor Bah, Minister Of Information and Civic Education

Being a Champion of SheDecides was an easy decision and is a great honour for me. As a proud feminist, I know the power of organising and reinforcing our collective voices to push for progressive change. This platform will be critical in the important work to advance SHRH, advance women’s rights and especially for me in my role, promote comprehensive sex education.

Why is bodily autonomy a priority for the Ministry? What other (linked) issues are a priority?

The Ministry of Information and Civic Education prioritises bodily autonomy to advance gender equality and empower women and girls in Sierra Leone. Key issues include promoting comprehensive sexuality education, combatting gender-based violence (including online harassment), and ensuring access to sexual and reproductive health services. The Ministry aims to foster an enabling legal and policy environment that protects women's and girls' rights, supported by measures like the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Bill and the Cyber Crime Act. These initiatives equip young people with the knowledge and skills for informed decisions and protect their bodily autonomy and security.

How we are working so SheDecides

In alignment with SheDecides values, Sierra Leone's government has taken several significant steps. We actively supported the Child Marriage Act 2024, which prohibits the marriage of minors, particularly girls. We are also major stakeholders in the upcoming Abortion Bill. Additionally, our government has increased support for pregnant girls in schools and is mobilising a progressive movement of young political leaders to enhance influence on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), gender equality, and radical inclusion.

Designing a National Civic Education Policy and Strategy that is inclusive

As a huge paradigm shift for my country and as a Minister, I have initiated the design of a National Civic Education Policy and Strategy; one of the six key pillars focuses on inclusivity. This pillar promotes equal participation in civic activities for all, regardless of age, gender, abilities, ethnicity, or sexuality. The strategy integrates content addressing gender equality, child and youth rights, inclusivity for individuals with special needs, and recognition of diverse sexual orientations. It aims to foster a culture of respect and understanding through targeted awareness campaigns and inclusive civic participation programmes.

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The Coalition for Young Progressives in Governance for SRHR and Equality initiatives

The Coalition of Young Progressives in Governance seeks to unite young individuals in government who champion progressive values. We recognise and acknowledge the transformative potential young leaders offer in governance, and strive to create a collaborative platform for the prevalence of advocacy and the exchange of knowledge to thrive. The Coalition aims to contribute to the formulation of forward-thinking policies regarding SRHR issues, promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment and addressing issues of the Cyber Crime Act, FGM, etc.

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